One of the most important thing to consider in choosing a lender is to compare student loan consolidation rates. Most students who've graduated find it wise to consolidate student loans upon graduation. The next crucial step would have to be choosing the right lender from which to apply a student loan consolidation from. Nowadays, there are many lenders that offer you different loan consolidation programs, each with various requirements, interest rates, and etc. This article will give you some points to consider in selecting a lender. Although it is very important for you to compare student loan consolidation rates, you should also take into account some details in choosing a loan consolidation program and a lender. Comparing School Loan Consolidation Rates You could cut your student loan payments by up to 50% or more if you consolidate your student loans. This could mean big savings and thousands of dollars on the life of your loan. You could also be able to lock down a low and fi...